As soon as the powers that be in the left found out that Mr. Stamp had these Alberta separatist views, we fired him from his position as Goldring's campaign manager ... what's that? Oh, you mean it was Mr. Stamp himself that resigned, and that no one forced him to do so?
Okay, that might be so, but it was "the left" that outed Mr. Stamp without his permission, so it may be that he resigned of his own accord, but it was certainly the left that is responsible for his outing? ... Oh? You say that he actually outed himself, several times in fact, and even says that this is what he wanted so as to have a national platform from which to speak to Canadians on the injustices being heaped upon Alberta? So you're saying the left really didn't out him? All they did was to write about what Mr. Stamp said he wanted to be known nationally?
Geesh, how embarrassing .... you mean I wasted a whole post on explaining how the left is suppressing poor Mr. Stamps free speech, and it turns out we were actually duped by Mr. Stamp into allowing him to suppress his own free speech?
Alright, that may be so, but there's still the possibility that if we don't say anything, the right can still be tricked into giving us the credit.
Update: Just in case anyone is still wonder who outed Mr. Stamp, I guess this should leave no more doubt.