February 15, 2007

Is caring for our children harming our ability to "fight them over there"?

According to a UNICEF report, it seems the answer is in. The more you care about your children, the less likely it is that you are over in Iraq or Afghanistan "protecting us from terrorists" (ok, that's not what UNICEF says, but if you look at the rankings of the countries involved, it certainly seems to show a strong correlation.)

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Link to unicef report here

So what have children done for us anyway? Are they going to protect us from terrorists when they come over here to kill us in (or under, as the case may be) our beds?

Can we sell them to factories or pimps for a profit like the profit we can make selling arms to fight manufactured wars?

Bah ... consider the poor corporations, and don't let our selfish children sucker us into making the wrong decision with they unprofitable ans selfish neediness ... "mommy I'm hungry and cold!", "daddy, how do you spell cat?"

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